Danes je zadnji dan naše izmenjave. Sedim v šolski knjižnici in se poskušam spomniti čim boljšega kratkega povzetka tega tedna in vseh majhnih in večjih vtisov in spominov, ki so nastali. Vsi smo seveda utrujeni in naši gostje se po eni strani vseeno veselijo vrnitve k domačim. Vendar si nas večina vseeno ne želi da bi se naše druženje prekinilo za kar štiri mesece.

Today is the last day of the first part of our exchange. While sitting in our school library, I’m trying to think of the best way to summarize everything that has happened in the last week. All the memories and experiences that we will never forget. To be honest we are all a bit tired and I’m guessing our guests are at least a bit excited about returning home. But I’m pretty sure most of us wish this week could last a bit longer.



Po sicer napornem tednu, ki pa je bil poln novih izkušenj in spominov, ki nam bodo ostali za vedno, smo se počasi začeli zavedati, da je prvi obrok našega druženja vse bližje koncu. Kljub izčrpanosti, smo prav dobro vedeli, da bomo svoje nove prijatelje do marca še zelo pogrešali. Zato smo se odločali kako bi zadnje ure poskušali čim bolje izkoristiti. Dan je bil sicer deževen in zato ne najbolj primeren za druženje zunaj, vendar smo se odločili, da bomo zadnjo uro in pol, ki nam je ostala med končanim poukom in odhodom Belgijcev, vseeno preživeli zunaj in bomo še zadnjič v tem letu skupaj odšli na pijačo.

Seveda smo imeli tudi pripravljen program, ki pa ej večinoma temeljil na naših izkušnjah. Tako je ena skupina pripravila poročilo za vsak dan posebej, druga zabaven kviz v katerem smo bolj kot poznavanje dejanskih dejstev o drugi državi, bolj posvetili zabavnim dejstvom o drug drugem. Naslednja skupina je urejala blog, ena pa je seveda poskrbela za kulturni program. Vse to smo seveda na koncu predstavili, tokrat pa so zaplesali tudi naši gostje in sicer na pesem iz filma High School Musical.

Celotna izkušnja, čeprav na trenutke morda zapletena in naporna, je bila nedvomno neponovljiva. Prav tako pa tudi dobra šola za življenje. Nismo pridobila namreč zgolj novih prijateljev in znancev, temveč smo se naučili tudi strpnosti, spoznali drugačen način vsakdana in se naučili, da, čeprav živimo na isti celini in izviramo iz iste kulture, ne živimo vsi enako in da je ta drugačnost nekaj dobrega in jo moramo zato seveda spoštovati in poskusiti najti čim boljše kompromise.


Today is the last day of the first part of our exchange. While sitting in our school library, I’m trying to think of the best way to summarize everything that has happened in the last week. All the memories and experiences that we will never forget. To be honest we are all a bit tired and I’m guessing our guests are at least a bit excited about returning home. But I’m pretty sure most of us wish this week could last a bit longer.

After a week, that was to be honest a bit tiring, we are all starting to realize that the first part of our time together is coming to an end. Even though we are all a bit exhausted, we are still aware of the fact we will be missing our new friends a lot in the next four months. So as a result we were trying to find the best way to make our last hours together as fun as possible. The day isn’t exactly ideal for going out, but we still decided we will go eat our last coffee together, during the hour and a half we had left between the end of today’s classes and the departure of our guests.

There was of course an official programme as well, but it was mainly about our experiences and memories. So one group prepared a little presentation of each day, another prepared a funny quiz. It was mainly about funny facts about both countries or each other and not about actual geographical or historical facts. Another group took care of our blog and there was also a group that prepared a cultural programme. All that we presented in the afternoon and then it was time for coffee.

Even though the last week was a bit exhaustible at times, was still full of great memories and experiences we will never forget. We didn’t just get a whole lot of new friends, we also learned how to be tolerant and patient. We also got to know a bit different way of living our everyday life. We found out, that even though we have all evolved from the same culture and all live in the same continent, we are still quite different. So we learned to compromise and to accept our differences as well as we could.

Katarina Vrišer

What is Domen's nickname


A question about Žan's shoulders


Naj ti krava v glavo prdne

Katarina Vrišer, 3.B


A week in Slovenia

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Četrtka smo se vsi veselili, saj nam je vsem bila všeč ideja o ogledu filma Crash, predvsem pa smo težko pričakovali prosto popoldne. Kljub temu, da smo se cel dan zavedali, da jutri naši gosti odidejo, smo skušali ohraniti veselo vzdušje in uživati.

We were all very excited aboutThursday, because we all liked the idea of watching the movie Crash and we have all been hardly expecting our first free afternoon. Despite the fact that we all realised that our guests are leaving tomorrow, we tried to remain happy atmosphere and tried to enjoy.



Dan smo pričeli z ogledom ameriškega filma Crash, kriminalne drame, ki prikazuje rasistična in socialistična trenja v Los Angelesu, kar pripisujemo predvsem strahu, ki je nastal ob terorističnem napadu na Dvojčka. V filmu spremljamo zgodbe posameznikov, ki so po čudnih naključjih medsebojno povezani. V glavnih vlogah so nas prepričali slavni igralci, kot so: Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, Terrence Howard … Po koncu filma je sledil polurni odmor, nato pa smo nadaljevali s pripravami na diskusijo. Po tem, ko smo bili razdeljeni v dve skupini, smo spregovorili o diskriminaciji, rasizmu, nestrpnosti do sočloveka in kriminalu. Svoje misli smo zapisali in jih nato predstavili na skupni diskusiji, pri kateri smo sodelovali tako učenci kot tudi profesorji. Po uspešno zaključeni diskusiji je sledilo še kosilo, po katerem smo se odpravili domov.


We were all very excited aboutThursday, because we all liked the idea of watching the movie Crash and we have all been hardly expecting our first free afternoon. Despite the fact that we all realised that our guests are leaving tomorrow, we tried to remain happy atmosphere and tried to enjoy.

We began the day with watching an American film Crash, a crime drama that shows racial and social tensions in Los Angeles, caused by people’s fear after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The movie portrays lifes of mutually connected individuals, linked by strange coincidences. The main roles are played by famous actors, such as: Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, Terrence Howard … When the movie ended we had a short break and then we proceeded with the preparings for the movie discussion. We formed two groups and each group spoke about discrimination, racism, intolerance and criminal. We wrote down our thoughts, which we then presented at the discussion. Afterwards we had lunch and then we went home.

Eva Opsenica 3.B



Ob osmi uri zjutraj smo se zbrali na šolskem dvorišču pred glavnim vhodom. Vreme je bilo oblačno in rahlo je rosilo. Slovenski učenci smo se razdelili na dve skupini: prva skupina je imela pouk po urniku, druga se je z Belgijci odpravila na sprehod po Ljubljani.

At 8 o’clock in the morning we gathered on the main yard in front of school entrance. The weather was cloudy and it was a bit raining. The Slovene students divided on two groups: the first group had classes by schedule, the second group went on a walk around Ljubljana with the Belgians.

Continue reading


Zbrali smo se ob 8.15 na Streliški cesti. Skupaj smo počakali na avtobus in ko je ta končno prišel, smo bili vsi navdušeni, da je bil dvonadstropen. Razporedili smo se po sedežih. Nekateri so sedeli s svojim parom, nekateri pa so sedeli s prijateljem iz iste države. S Streliške ceste smo se odpeljali ob približno 8.30.

 We met at 8.15 at Streliška cesta. We waited for the bus together and when it arrived, we were all very excited because it was a double decker. We got to our seats; some people sat with their exchange partner and some people sat with their friends from the same country. We left Streliška cesta at around 8.30.



Na poti proti Škocjanskim jamam sta nam sošolca Vedran in Johana povedala nekaj o Primorski ter o Škocjanskih jamah. Do slednjih smo prispeli ob približno 9.30. Imeli smo pol ure časa za stranišče in pogovor. Ob desetih so prišli vodiči in razdelili smo se v dve skupini: Slovenci smo dobili žensko vodičko, Belgijce in še nekaj drugih tujcev pa je po Škocjanskih jamah vodil moški. Slovenci smo šli v jame prvi, tujcem pa je njihov vodič najprej povedal nekaj podatkov o nastanku jam, o reki Reki in o okolici.

S steklenim dvigalom smo se spustili do poti, ki je vodila do jame. Šli smo po drugi poti, kot ponavadi. Tako smo lahko od blizu videli tudi slap reke Reke. Vse je presunila lepota slapu in bučanje vode nam je še nekaj časa odzvanjalo v ušesih.

Pred vhodom v jamo nam je vodička povedala tudi nekaj zanimivosti. Več o Škocijanskih jamah je napisala Johana. Če koga zanima, si o več tem lahko prebere na blogu.

Vstopili smo v jamo. Videli smo stalaktite zanimive zavite oblike in vodička nam je povedala, da so taki zaradi vetra. Na stropu jame nam je pokazala tudi kos lesa, ki se je tam znašel zaradi poplave leta 1826. V jamah je bilo veliko stopnic in vsi smo bili izmučeni, ko smo jih zapustili. Toda vsi smo bili presunjeni nad njihovo lepoto.

Slovenci smo iz jam prišli prvi. Ker je deževalo, smo šli na avtobus, kjer smo se pogovarjali, dokler se nam na njem niso pridružili Belgijci.

Odpeljali smo se proti Piranu. Na poti sta nam Tea in Zala povedali nekaj o Piranu in Portorožu.

V Piran smo prispeli približno 15 do enih. Skupaj smo od avtobusa hodili do Tartinijevega trga. Tu smo se poslovili in razkropili po Piranu, saj smo imeli prosti čas do treh. Raziskovali smo mesto, tavali po ozkih uličicah, se sprehodili ob morju, na koncu pa smo skoraj vsi pristali v kavarni na Tartinijevem trgu. Ob treh so se nam na trgu pridružili tudi profesorji in skupaj smo se odpravili do avtobusa.

Sledila je kratka vožnja od Pirana do Portoroža. Tudi tam smo imeli čas zase in za druženje z vrstniki. Sedeli smo v kavarni Cacao, se sprehajali ob obali in po pomolih in kar je najpomembneje: bolje smo spoznali svoje vrstnike iz Belgije. Pet minut do petih smo se zbrali pred hotelom Palace, kjer smo se vkrcali na avtobus in se odpravili proti Ljubljani. Za nami je zanimiv dan, ki je bil kljub slabemu vremenu zelo prijeten.


 We met at 8.15 at Streliška cesta. We waited for the bus together and when it arrived, we were all very excited because it was a double decker. We got to our seats; some people sat with their exchange partner and some people sat with their friends from the same country. We left Streliška cesta at around 8.30.

On our way to Škocjanske jame, our classmates Vedran and Johana told us some facts about Primorska and Škocjanske jame. We arrived to the latter at around 9.30. We had half an our for toilettes and for talking. The guides arrived at 10 o’clock and we were divided into two groups: we (the Slovenians) got a woman guide and the Belgians and some other tourists were guided by a male. We went to the caves first, while the Belgians were told some facts about the caves, the river Reka and the area around them.

With a glass elevator, we descended to the path that led to the cave. We walked a different path than usual, so we could see the waterfall of the river Reka really closely. Everyone was overwhelmed by the beauty of the waterfall and the sound of the water rang in our ears for some time later.

Before the entrance, the guide told us some facts about the cave. Johana wrote more about that so if anyone is interested in learning more, they can check it out on the blog.

We entered the cave. We saw some stalactites and their shape was very interesting. It was sort of curvy. The guide said that was because of the wind. We also saw a piece of wood on the ceiling. It got in the flood of 1826. There were many stairs in the caves so everyone was exhausted when we left them. But everyone was amazed by their beauty.

We came out of the caves first. Because it was raining, we boarded the bus, where we talked until we were joined by Belgians. We drove off to Piran. On the way there, our classmates Tea and Zala told us some facts about Piran and Portorož.

We got to Piran at around 12.45. We walked to the Tartini square together and then everyone wandered off because we had time until 3 o’clock. We explored the city, wandered between the narrow alleys, walk by the sea, and in the end, we all came to the cafe at Tartini square. At 3 o’clock, we were joined by our professors and we all walked to the bus together.

A short ride from Piran to Portorož followed. We had time to hang out with our Belgian friends there, too. We sat in the cafe Cacao, walked by the shore and on the docks and what is most important: we got to know each other better. Five minutes to five, we gatered in front of the Palace hotel and boarded the bus to Ljubljana. The day was very interesting, and even though the weather wasn’t very nice, we can say that it was pleasant.

Tana Benčan, 3.b



Primorska je neformalna (geografska) pokrajina. Deli se na tri statistične regije. Nekoč je bila je edina obalna dežela Avstrije, zato se je imenovala Avstrijska Primorska. Iz njenega prejšnjega imena izhaja njeno sedanje ime in vključenost v pokrajino/regijo. Danes se k Primorski lahko šteje tudi vse slovenske zamejce v Italiji. Na Primorskem živi multikulturno prebivalstvo: Slovenci, zamejski Italijani in Hrvati, Furlani, Istrijani in Nemci.

zemljevid Primorske/ the map of Primorska

zemljevid Primorske/ the map of Primorska

Najvažnejši zgodovinski dogodek povezan s Primorsko je Soška fronta: bila je ena glavnih front v 1. svetovni vojni, saj je odločala o njenem koncu. Na tej fronti sta se bojevali italijanski in avstro-ogrski vojski. Slovenci so se bili primorani vojne udeležiti kot vojaki avstrijske vojske. Številna grobišča, ostanki bunkerjev in skrivnih rovov še danes spominjajo na kruti čas.Vojno na tem območju pa je svetu predstavil slavni ameriški pisatelj Ernest Hemingway v romanu Zbogom orožje.

Primorsko bogastvo izhaja iz razvite živinoreje, vinogradništva, poljedelstva in sadjarstva.
V obalnih predelih je razvito tudi solinarstvo in ribištvo. Industrije skoraj ni. V obalnih in mejnih predelih je zelo razvita trgovina in predvsem turizem – najpomembnejše turistične točke so igralnice, Škocjanske jame (posebnost Krasa) in Lipica (vzreja konj, lipicancev).

Kras je kamnito ozemlje, kjer vpliv vode na apnenec ustvarja površinske oblike, jame, značilna podzemeljska pretakanja in doline.
1) Kamni na površini pridobijo zanimive oblike zaradi pronicanja vode.
2) Voda prenaša ogljikov dioksid v zemlji v globino. CO2 razjeda apnenec v zemlji in v tisočletjih nastanejo doline in jame, ki zaradi čudovitih oblik kapnikov videti pravljično.
3) V jamah se nahaja posebna vrsta živega bitja, ki živi tudi do 100 let, to je človeška ribica.
4) Kraške reke tečejo pod zemljo preko jam in prodirajo na površino na drugi strani jame.
5) Kraška posebnost so tudi presihajoča jezera.

Vedran Guštin ,3.b



General Information
The Primorska is an unformal geographical Slovenian region. It is split in three statistical regions. It was the only region of Austria, which faced the sea. Because of this it earned its name, which means “at the sea” and its status as region. Today we can count as part of the Primorska all the Slovenians who are part of the minorità in Italy. Here lives a multicultural population: Slovenians, Italian and Croatian minorities as well as Germans, Istrians and Furlans.

The only history event worth mentioning that took place in Primorska is the Soška Fronta. It was one of the main fronts during the WWI. In this front the Italian and Austrian armies battled each other for 3 years. The Slovenians were forced to join the austrian forces. Many graveyards, rests of bunker and trenches are still present on this region that still reminds the world of this cruel period. The famous american writer Ernest Hemingway described the war on this front to the world in his book Farewell to arms.

Primorska’s wealth comes from its advanced livestock breeding, viticulture, agriculture and fruit farming, which are spread all over the region. Near the sea fishing and salt panning are prosperous. The industry isn’t very spread but in the last years it began to gain credit (Cimos). The areas near the borders and seas gain from marketing and tourism. The most famous tourist locations are the Škocjan caves, the casinos and Lipica, where unique white horses called Lipicanci are bred and trained.



Karst is a rocky area in the South Primorska. The most prominent type of rock here is the limestone. In this particolar area, because of the rain and the CO2 present in the earth, the rocks corrode and many caves, dolinas and other particolar effects can be seen here.
1) The rocks on the surface gain particolar forms because of the rain.
2) The rain goes through the earth, takes the CO2,that is in the earth, and when it touches the limestone underground it slowly corrodes it. The valleys called dolinas and caves are formed like this.
3) In the caves lives a special animal species which can live up to 100 years. It’s called the Olm or Proteus. The Slovenians and Croatians call it the Human fish because of its skin color.
4) Karst rivers run underground through the caves and come back to the surface on the other side of the caves several kilometres away.
5) The intermittent lakes are a peculiarity of the Karst.

Vedran Guštin ,3.b


Škocjanske jame so edinstven naravni pojav, delo reke Reke, stare so več milijonov let. Reka Reka izvira v vznožju Snežnika in teče po površju okoli 55 kilometrov daleč. Ko doseže Kras, to je ozemlje iz apnenca, svoje struge ne poglablja več le mehansko (erozijsko), ampak tudi korozijsko – raztaplja apnenec. V prvem delu svoje poti po apnencu teče še po površju, po približno štiri kilometre dolgi soteski, ki se končuje z veličastno steno, pa izgine v podzemlje. Slepa dolina Reke je največja slepa dolina v Sloveniji.

Dolžina jam sega tja do 6200 metrov, če upoštevamo vse rove; globoke pa so do 223 metrov. Temperatura v jamah je statična, in sicer je 12 stopinj Celzija. Največji stalagmit je visok 15 metrov. V jamah živi več vrst netopirjev, rakcev in hroščev, pa tudi svetovno znani močeril.


The Škocjan Caves remain the only monument in Slovenia and the Classical Karst region on UNESCO’s list of natural and cultural world heritage sites. Thus, they hold a significant position among the world’s natural monuments. The entry itself is important from different perspectives: most significantly, that the Škocjan Caves have gained worldwide recognition and that the state has committed itself to doing everything in its power to conserve and protect this outstanding natural site.

The Škocjan Caves are a unique natural phenomenon, the creation of the Reka River. The Reka River springs from below the Snežnik plateau and flows some fifty-five kilometres on the surface. After reaching the Karst, that is the limestone surface, the river not only deepens its riverbed through erosion, but also by means of corrosion – it dissolves the limestone. In the first part of its course on the limestone, the Reka still flows on the surface, along an approximately four-kilometre-long gorge that ends with a magnificent wall under which it disappears underground. The Reka River blind valley is the largest in Slovenia.

The cave passages are 6200 metres long and 223 metres deep all together. The temperature is static during the whole year and it’s more or less about 12 celsius degrees. The largest stalagmite is 15 metres high. In the caves we can find different species of bats, cockroaches and crabs, and even the world-famous cave salamander.

Johana Milič, 3.b


Ime kraja je verjetno grškega izvora, in sicer iz pridevnika πυρρανoς ‘rdeč’, s čimer so poimenovane rdečkaste flišne kamenine na področju Pirana.

Piran je pristaniško mesto na slovenski obali in središče Občine Piran. Leži na samem rtu Piranskega polotoka v neposredni bližini Portoroža. Na jugu meji na  Hrvaško , na vzhodu na Izolo in Koper, na severu  pa na Italijo skozi Tržaški zaliv. Vzhodno od mesta  je ob obali majhno turistično naselje z imenom Fiesa.

Piran je eno izmed treh glavnih mest  slovenske Istre . Ima srednjeveško arhitekturo, z ozkimi ulicami in tesno strnjenimi hišami. Je tudi upravno središče lokalnega območja in ena od večjih slovenskih turističnih znamenitosti. Do sredine dvajsetega stoletja je bila prevladujoči jezik italijanščina, od tedaj dalje pa v sobivanju s prevladujočo slovenščino.

Poleg tega, da je mesto slovenski arhitekturni biser, je danes zanimivo tudi po tem, da ima temnopoltega župana. Slovenija je namreč postala prva država nekdanje komunistične Evrope, ki je izvolila temnopoltega  Petra  Bossmana za svojega mestnega vodjo.

V predrimskih časih so tu živela  plemena, ki so se ukvarjala s kmetijstvom, lovom in ribarjenjem. V rimskih časih pa je bil Piranski polotok  vključen  v Rimsko cesarstvo. V 19. stoletju in v začetku 20. stoletja je bil  Piran avstro-ogrsko mesto, večje od bližnjega  Kopra. Piran je bil je središče trga in toplic z dobrimi prometnimi povezavami . Prvi trolejbus  na Balkanu je bil uveden ravno v Piranu.

Piran ima subtropsko podnebje s toplimi poletji in hladnimi deževnimi zimami. Čeprav redko sneži, pa zato pogosto dežuje.

Piran je rojstno mesto skladatelja in violinista Giuseppeja Tartinija , ki je igral pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju kulturne dediščine . Po njem se imenuje tudi glavni mestni trg. Spomenik Tartiniju je bil postavljen na glavnem trgu ob obletnici njegovega rojstnega dne. Le-ta obvladuje trg z domišljeno postavitvijo in ga prostorsko povezuje s kompleksom cerkve svetega Jurija, ki dominira nad mestom.

Piran je bil pod močnim vplivom Beneške republike in Avstro-Ogrske. Obzidje v Piranu je bilo zgrajeno za zaščito mesta pred Otomanskim cesarstvom. V bližini se nahajajo različne pomembne stavbe, kot so: Tartinijeva hiša (ena od najstarejših v mestu), občinska hiša, mestna loža in Benečanka. Na hribu nad mestom je največja in najpomembnejša cerkev svetega Jurija.

Kamnita stebra za zastave sta nastala v 15. stoletju in danes krasita vhod na trg. Na prvem je uporabljen krilati lev (simbol svetega Marka). Na drugem stebru je na sredini upodobljen sveti Jurij na konju, zaščitnik mesta.


V Piranu se nahaja mednarodno letališče in pristanišče . Mesto je povezano s Koprom, Izolo, Portorožem in Lucijo.


The name Piran is probably of Greek origin, from πυρρανoς adjective ‘red’, because of reddish flysch rocks in Piran.

Piran is a port town on the Slovenian coast and it  is located on the very cape of the Piran peninsula near Portorož. It borders Croatia to the south, Izola and Koper to the east and faces Italy across the Gulf of Trieste. It is one of the three major towns of Slovenian Istria. It has medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. Piran is the administrative centre of the local area and one of Slovenia’s major tourist attractions. To the east of the town, along the coastline is a small tourist settlement named Fiesa. Until the mid-twentieth-century Italian was the dominant language, but than was replaced by Slovene. Slovenia  became the first country of former communist Europe to elect a black mayor who is  Peter Bossman.


In the pre-Roman era, the hills were inhabited by tribes who were farmers, hunters and fishermen. The Piran peninsula was also incorporated into the Roman Empire .In the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Piran was an Austro-Hungarian city, larger than the nearby Koper. It was the centre of market and spa with good transport connections. The first trolleybus line in the Balkans was introduced to public service in Piran.


Piran has a  subtropical climate with warm summers and cool rainy winters. Snow here is rare and the rain is frequent.


Piran is the birthplace of composer and violinist Giuseppe Tartini, who played an important role in shaping its cultural heritage. The town’s main square is named after him. A monument was erected to Tartini in Piran on the anniversary of his birthday. The statue dominates the square and is overlooked by the Cathedral of Saint George.


Piran was heavily influenced by the Venetian Republic and Austria-Hungary. The Piran town walls were constructed to protect the town from the Ottoman’s and many parts of the town walls from different eras remain. Nearby are located various important buildings, such as Tartini’s house, one of the oldest in town, the Municipal Palace, Loggia and Benečanka and others. On the hill above the town is the biggest and most important church, the Church of Saint George. Stone columns for flags were created in the 15th century to adorn the entrance to the market. On one we can see the winged lion of St. Mark and in the second on the middle we can see St George on horseback who is the protector of the town.


There is an international airportand a marina. The town is connected with Koper, Izola, Portorož Sečovlje and Lucija by a bus line.

Tea Pajduh, 3.b


Portorož je turistični center slovenske obale. Vašo pozornost pritegne z mnogimi modernimi in luksuznimi hoteli, športnimi ustanovami, igralnicami, konferenčnimi centri in luksuznimi restavracijami z raznoliko izbiro jedi. Ima največjo in najbolj moderno urejeno plažo.

Portoroška peščena plaža je ena najstarejših, najlepših in najbolje opremljenih plaž na slovenski obali.

Marina Portorož se nahaja južno od letovišča. Je ena največjih in najbolj pomembnih. Ima več kot 1000 privezov za ladje, dolge do 22 metrov. Tam so bile včasih Lucijske soline.

Forma Viva je park, ki se nahaja na polotoku med Portorožem in Sečoveljskimi solinami. V parku lahko vidimo mnogo skulptur. To sta leta 1961 začela slovenska umetnika. Ta najbolj abstraktna zbirka je sestavljena in preko 120 kipov, ki so jih naredili umetniki iz vsega sveta. Zaradi prostega vstopa lahko prideš kadarkoli in uživaš ob pogledu na kipe.

Avditorij Portorož je gostil vse od baleta in klasične glasbe, do zabavnih prireditev in kongresov. Ima celoletni program, ki vključuje glasbo, dramo in film. Poleti postane prizorišče mnogih koncertov.

Cerkev Marije Rožnovenske je bila zgrajena leta 1980. Zaradi majhnih obarvanih oken in veliko lesa je primer moderne arhitekture.

Sečoveljske soline pokrivajo območje 650ha, od tega je 552ha vodne površine. Sol pridobivajo s tradicionalnimi metodami. Tam je tudi Muzej solinarstva, ki se nahaja v eni od tradicionalnih hiš, kjer so živeli delavci.

Hotel Palace je bil eden najlepših in najbolj modernih hotelov med 1. svetovno vojno.


Portorož is the tourist capital of the Slovenian seaside. It attracts your attention with many modern and luxury hotels, spas, sports facilities, casions, conference centers and fancy restaurants with varied cuisine. It has biggest and most stylish beach resort.

The sandy beach of Portorož is one of the oldest, most beautiful and best-equipped beaches on the Slovenian coast.

Marina Portorož its located south of the resort centre. It’s one of biggest and most important on the Adriatic. It has over 1000 berths for ships up to 22m long. This is place where Lucija salt plains used to be.

Forma Viva is a park on the peninsula between Portorož and the salt pans of Sečovlje. In the park we can see many sculptures. This started in 1961 by two Slovene artists. A most abstract collection of over 120 stone sculptures has been made by artist from around the world. The entrance is free of charge and the view on the sculptures and the sea is very beautiful.

Portorož Auditorium: It hosted everything from ballet and classical music, to comedy and congresses. It has a year-round program of music, drama and film. In the summer it has stage concerts and an outdoor amphitheatre.

Holy church of Our lady of the rosary: it was build in 1980. With a little stained-glass and lots of wood it gives an example of modern architecture.

Sečovlje salt plains are covering 650 ha, 552 ha of which is water surface. The salt is produced by using traditional methods. We can also find the Museum of salt making. It’s located in one of the blocks where seasonal workers used to live. Today they also offer a cosmetic therapies.

The old Hotel Palace was one of the most beautiful and modern hotels on the eastern Adriatic coast during World War 1. Today this hotel is renovated and its very luxury.

Zala Sovinc, 3.b

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